
E-CPR Consultancy

The learnECMO team can come to your institution to offer site-specific E-CPR logistics and systems consultancy.

We can help you to establish the multi-disciplinary systems required to run an effective E-CPR service with reference to the unique local environmental and logistical challenges.

The service is provided as 3 distinct packages each with a more comprehensive program of education and collaboration.

The components include:

  • Initial site visit and logistical planning
  • On site ECPR course
  • Insitu ECPR simulations in ED, cardiac cath lab, ICU, and ward
  • Development of a site specific e-learning module & cognitive aids for ECPR
  • Train the Trainer course for interested local staff to maintain team currency
  • ECMO task trainers & simulation equipment
  • Ongoing mentorship & case review
  • Access to the ECMO masterclass program for clinicians